Dear Diary

Hi Guys,
What's up?
Have a nice day guys...
Happy new year 2014...
Give your kiss to your partner...

Dear Diary,
Hi guys, I've a boyfriend. He is come from Peshawar, Pakistan (see my story "My Jan"). Yeah, He is my Love but I don't know why He changed. Sometimes he doesn't care at all and sometimes he care me so much. I don't know why.. Sometimes I feel lonely. I miss the way He love me. I know that he was very busy cause his family. I know it. But I don't know why, He almost not chat me. Maybe He wanna free from me.  I know that I'm an angry girl, I know it. Maybe He wanna leave me. I know I'm not a good girl. I'm not a perfect girl for him. He is handsome, He should be get a girl who more than me. 
What do I do? I can't do anything for him. I always pray what the best for his life. I don't want make he sad. I hope someday He will happy with his partner. What do I do? I still love him. Yeah, I love him more than his love maybe. But, his care :'( . I hate it so much. I always try to smile in front of him. it's work but inside I'm dying cause of him. 
I miss a moment between me and him on Skype, Facebook, WeChat and What'sApp...
I LOVE YOU, Sohail Aman

I think enough....
I just share it hehehe....
I hope He realize that I'm missing him....
HAPPY NEW YEAR 2014, Be the Best for the Best....
All is Well....
See you....
Love you, Guys....


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