hi all.. nice to share something with you again..

you know guys, i'm falling in love, but today i was confused about my feeling. You know guys? I always trust him, i always love him, i keep my promise to him "never chat with another boy" and i done it. But how about him? he not keep his promise to me. I thought he Chat with another,, and i have the fact about it.. another girl wrote a status with Urdu language and at last she wrote "jab tak hai Jaan, Arman".. it makes me cry at that time. and i wanna share about my heart to my bestie, but i think she was busy at that time, so i keep it. i was crying in my bedroom. No one know about my feeling, i just wrote in my dear diary. why he do it?????? he always said "i only chat with you jan" but the fact is NOT LIKE THAT. I trust him 100% but for know should i trust him 100% ???? Should i??? answer it Goooood. Why God never answer a simple question?? why he do that to me!! when i love someone so much, why he take it back and through me out from this world. Why???? God is not fair. i always do my prayer, but why you make me sad God. why??? why u cant answer my simple question. whyyyy????

at last, i'm afraid i can't love you again if you telling lie to me, maybe that girl love you so much and i think you love her too. Congratulation, you found another girl, but it's ok, but you must know, you will never found someone like me.. and I'm sorry God i lost my control, i'm sorry for angry to you, i'm sorry,,, i know you do it for my best. i love you God.. Thanks for All.

Oook guys thanks for read it,, bye byeee love you all (my love just For God)


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