BestFriend ^__^

Hiiiiii,,,, Welcome baaack to my blooog... Yuhuuuuu, How are you?? I hope you are fine today...
You want to know my best best bessstfriend in this world??? READ IT!!!

 I never found someone like her.  I'm so proud with her. She can change my life style. You know? Before i met her, in my life always for joking. I never serious with my life. My papa Go to USA for me but i never care it. My mama always said "hildaaaaaa, done your homewooorrrrk" and i just answered "ok maaaaaaa" but i never done it. But, when i 11 grade and i met her. She is so so sooooo different with my life style. She always serious but she is friendly. I sit in front of her in our classroom. And i never care with her life style. At that time, my heart said "She is so different with you Hildaaaaa, she is not good for your life. Don't make a friendship with her". Then in Fasting month, Me n all my new friends went to Chemistry laboratory. She sit alone, so i sit beside her. And i talk with her. I felt so enjoy with her but i don't know why. When i say "da silda (her name is Casilda Aulia Rahmadina)" she said to me "don't call me da silda, just call me SIL TOK (means only Sil)" then i answered "hahahaha ok Siltok" "nooooo, i means only Sil without tok" "no no no, i will call you siltok start  now" "hahahaha, ok it's up to you"
Then i don't know why i make a friendship with her. i called her "siltok" and she called me "hing". Then i start to change my life style. I always study study and study and serious too. now i care with my papa and i always study for make my pa proud with me and when my ma said "hildaaaaaaa, done your homework" and i done it. I love with my life style now. now i have a dream, i wanna be a doctor. And you know? if i have dream, i must make it be real. if i wanna be doctor so i must be real doctor. now, i can get anything what i want with study.. i love study, cause with study we can know everything. You want to know who is Casilda?? she is Casilda (left is Casilda and right is Me) :
 i love her so much. i'm so proud with my bestfriend... i don't want to lost her. cause she is my best best beeeest bestfriend in this world. Now me and her be Bestfriend forever.
So for you, Bestfriend is a good friend. they will make your life be good. But, if you found your bestfriend and they make a negative thing, LEAVE THEM. Good friend is make your life to be more good not more bad!!! REMEMBER IT... FOUND A GOOD BESTFRIEND AND LOVE HER/HIM SO MUCH AND YOUR LIFE WILL BE GOOD...

Ooook... i think it's enough for my story about her. and i'm so so sooooo sorry cause my english is not good.. i must learn again about english.. but I hope you can understand it. Ok, love you all (but in my heart only for S for my jaaaan only, i love you more jaaaaaaan). Tataaaaaaaaa

add my skype "syahlda.akhmad"
and follow my twitter "@SyahildaAkhmad"


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