$omeone Like You

Welcome baaaaaack to my Blog again,,, how's life?? i hope fine.... i wanna share about something,, read it :*

Dear SA,
i don't know why you always said "i love you", you already know that i'm not beautiful. You are so handsome. You can get a girlfriend more than me, more smart, beautiful, rich and etc. But you always angry if i said like that, you always said "i just love you". You know jan, when you said "i love you, gue kangen lo, gue cinta lo, ta zama khuwakha ye" it makes me so happy. You know jan, when i wanna go to bed, i always hope you will come to my dream. Jan, i know sometimes you make me cry, sad & broken. But you must know, THIS IS OUR LOVE STORY... Jan, now i know you so well. I know your heart and your habit. But, you must know jan, i never found someone like you. You always make me smile when you give a wink to me. Jan, i really love you. i don't want to lost you. But, i'm afraid someday you will leave me. But, i trust with your words "i never leave you Jan". Jan, yo must know again, you are number four in my life (fist Allah, Second Parents, Third Wildan, Fourth is YOU, fifth Bestfriend, sixth friends). I LOVE YOU Jan,,, Only YOU who can save me someday, Only you who can make me happy someday, ONLY YOU who stay in my heart, YEAH ONLY YOU NOT ANOTHER.

hmmm, hey guys you must know, in my life i just love him... thanks for read it. Love you all (But my love is SA only, hehehe) tataaaaaaaaaa